- Use our cars less

Reducing the number of trips you make in your car will reduce your fuel costs, reduce wear and tear on your car and help the environment.

Heavy traffic on our roads increases traffic congestion and air pollution.
1.Combine your trips

Combining short trips will save you money on fuel and car maintenance and help prevent air pollution.

By planning ahead you can take less trips in a week. For example, you might be able to drop off mail or buy groceries on the way home from work or from picking children up. This practical measure will save you time, money and fuel.

See if you can replace a car trip with a phone call, email, text message or fax. The cost of a phone call is a lot less than the fuel to drive. Short car trips with a cold engine use more fuel and cause more wear and tear.
2.Walk or ride a bike

If you are travelling a short distance, you may be able to walk or switch to a bike. Walking and bike riding are free and can help improve your health.

If you have local shops nearby, consider walking with a personal shopping trolley, so you can bring home a full load of shopping without struggling, or riding with a backpack or panniers to carry your groceries.

Depending on where you live, it might even be faster to walk or ride and avoid traffic congestion.

Walking kids to school or riding with them has lots of benefits. Your school might be interested in starting a walking school bus.
3.Use public transport

Depending on where you live, public transport can be cheaper and less stressful than driving. You'll also help reduce air pollution and traffic congestion.
4.Avoid peak hour traffic

Peak hour can be the most stressful time to drive and means you spend longer in the car. Stopping and starting in heavy traffic increases wear and tear on your car and uses more fuel than normal driving.
5.Work from home

If you can do all or some of your work from home, you can save on fuel, maintenance and parking costs. You might also have more free time.
6.Car pool or car share

Car pooling and car sharing can cut your transport costs and help remove the need for your own car or the second car.
7.Sell your car

If you and your family can live without a second car you'll save thousands of dollars each year on petrol, registration, maintenance and insurance.